What happens to my Owl ID when I leave Overlake?

Learn more about what happens to your Overlake Owl ID and associated services when you leave Overlake.

Written By Jay Heath (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

...to provide leadership, resources, and structures to develop multi-literate, adaptable learners.


The time will come for every Overlake student when they move on to what's next. This will be the first time of many that you'll move organizations and lose access to your accounts - next time it may be leaving college, workplaces, or websites shutting down - so get on top of it now! If you've ever felt disorganized or couldn't find your stuff on your desktop or "in the cloud," NOW IS THE TIME to get organized! Spend some time thinking about your accounts and how you want to manage your personal accounts vs. your "work" or organizational accounts. Organizational accounts will come and go, but your personal account should stay with you long-term. Plan accordingly! We're here to help you learn how to manage things when your Overlake Owl ID is shut off.

Timeline for Graduating Seniors

Most students who leave Overlake do so at graduation. For seniors who are graduating, here's what you can expect with your Owl ID:

  • July 1: around early July, you will lose access to your Overlake-provided access to Adobe Creative Cloud. If you already have Adobe CC installed, it will prompt you to purchase a license or log out of your Overlake account.
  • October 1: your Overlake account will be permanently deleted.

What about Canvas?

You've been using Canvas as long as you've been at Overlake, and it holds a LOT of stuff from grades to papers, tests, and conversations. You'll continue to have access to your "concluded" or past courses in Canvas until your Owl ID is shut down in October. However, please be sure to download anything you want to keep before that date if teachers do any cleaning up of their old courses.

What do I need to do? 

  • Finish up any projects in Office applications on your computer or Adobe Creative Cloud Apps. You'll lose your Overlake Office installations when your account is deactivated in October, and you'll lose access to Adobe in early July.
  • If you've used your Overlake email to sign up for any services with your colleges, organizations, or companies, you'll want to change those email addresses to your personal/new email address.
  • Consider forwarding emails from your Owl ID to a personal email address. If you've been actively using your Overlake email, you may want to set an Out of Office Responder to let people know that you're transitioning your email address.
  • You may want to download the content saved in your Overlake OneDrive or shared SharePoint Libraries.

High-Risk Accounts will be Suspended

Please note that Overlake accounts are under constant malicious attack. Malicious actors use leaked and breached passwords from the dark web to gain access to your account. When this happens, accounts are flagged as "Risky" and suspended by the technology office. To ensure this does not happen to you, please reset your password using a unique password stored in a password manager on your phone or computer or enable authentication from an app on your phone. If this does happen, please contact help@overlake.org.

Tips on Wrapping Up Your Owl ID

Download Your OneDrive/SharePoint/Adobe Files

Since everything in your OneDrive will be deleted when your account is disabled in early October, you'll want to save copies of anything you want to keep to your computer or, ideally, another cloud service like a personal OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. You can easily download anything you need by logging into onedrive.com with your Owl ID and, selecting the files and folders you want, then selecting download. Here are instructions from another school helping their students do something similar. If you stored files in your Adobe Cloud, be sure to download those files as well.



From https://outlook.office.com, log in with your Owl ID and click the settings gear in the upper right corner, then search for forwarding and enter the email address to which you'd like to forward your email. Remember, this will only work until your account is permanently shut off in early October.


Automatic Replies

Configuring your automatic replies automatically sends a reply to people who send you an email. This can help let people know you're no longer using this email address or have moved to another. These will be sent from the time you set them until the time your account is deleted.



Stay Connected!

Our Alumni Program includes events, reunions, communications, and more. Please update your email via this link so we can keep in touch and share alumni news and announcements with you! Feel free to visit our Alumni website anytime, follow us on social media, add Overlake to your education profile on LinkedIn to connect with other Owl alums, share personal news, and sign up for mentorship. Stay connected! “Once an Owl, always an Owl!”


Need More Help?

Please don't hesitate to reach out to tech any time - while you're still a student or once you become an alum - if you ever need help. We'll point you in the right direction. You can reach us at help@overlake.org or 425.602.7007.

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