How to Schedule Teams Live Event ?

How to schedule a Teams Live Event?

Written By Michael Xalxo ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Teams Live Event: TLE

Scheduling Teams Live Event (TLE)

  • Click on the Calendar icon Meetings buttonon your Teams sidebar.
  • In the drop-down, select New meeting > New live event.

Live Event Form

  • Enter the meeting details about your event.
  • Add participants to your live event as a presenter in the Invite people to your event group box
    • Presenters can share their video, audio, and screen, as well as participate in the moderated Q&A. 
    • Producers can start, and stop the event, and most importantly, full control over what the audience sees at any given time - which presenter, whose screen, etc. 

Learn more about permissions for producing and presenting for live events. 


By default, the event organizer is assigned to a producer role and participants to a presenter role. Designate the participant's role by choosing from the drop-down.

Live event settings

  • Under Live event permissions, apply the setting for attendees inside or outside of your organization. 


If you only want Overlake employees or students to join, choose "Org-wide" which will require login with your Owl-ID. Similarly, choosing "People and Groups" would allow you to only invite #Staff, #Advisors2023, etc., or specific individuals, to join. If you want Parents/Guardians and/or the public to join, be sure to select "Public". 

  • Apply setting to your production under How will you produce your live event?


By default, the event is recorded and available to producers and presenters after the event has been concluded. Additionally, recording for attendees is also available by default.  Consider adding moderated Q&A, translation to other languages and captions for your online viewers.

  • Click Schedule.      

Meeting invitation link

Copy Get attendee link and share the live event link with your attendees. You may want to use a URL shortener like to shorten the link you just created.

Click Close to finish scheduling TLE. You can always come back to the event from Teams Calendar to make any changes before starting the event. 


To make any changes to your live event, the event organizer can add participants, change the participant's roles, and overall settings in Teams, not Outlook

Recording of your live event can be downloaded from Live event resources. 

Click Schedule.


When you're ready to get started, please visit How to Produce Teams Live Event?

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