New Wifi System - Overlake Open

Discover how to make the most of the newly installed Open Wifi system at Overlake.

Written By Greg Morse (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

After months of design, testing, configuration, new hardware installations, ILT is deploying a new Wifi system called Overlake Open. 

Why the change?                  
To improve wireless reliability by eliminating a single point of failure.

How do I connect?          
Simply select Overlake Open then connect. No password is required, though this might change. 

What’s different? 
NOTE: Overlake and Overlake Guest are probably not available or might have a weak signal where Overlake Open is present. 
Please pay attention to the strength of your wireless signal by observing the radio waves of your device’s wireless icon.


If you wish to wirelessly project, (please do!) and in a building that has been converted to Overlake Open, you need to be connected to Overlake Open to wirelessly project. All other technology tasks, such as printing, and internet services remain unchanged.

Where on campus is Overlake Open available? 
Overlake Open is available in Library and will be in the TLC. It is growing in presence and can be used wherever available.

When will the new wifi system be fully deployed on campus? 
The new wifi system will be fully deployed before mid-August. 

Will wireless projection/presentations be improved? 
Yes, our testing has shown the new system to be very reliable. Plus, the list of wireless projectors is limited to your building. If there is an issue with wireless projection, please use a hard-wired connection and report the issue.

What is required on my part?
Just be aware of your wifi signal strength and using the strongest signal system, Overlake Open or Overlake.

Is Overlake Open faster?      
Yes, there will be some improvement in speed. 

If you are having any wifi connectivity issues, please email call 425.602.7007 or stop by and see us at the Help desk!

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