What is a Teams Live Event?

What is a Live event, when would you prefer it, who can create, present and attend it?

Written By Michael Xalxo ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Teams Live Event - TLE

What is a Teams Live Event (TLE)?

 The Live event in teams is a great feature to broadcast video and content to a large online audience. These are intended for one-to-many communications where the presenter(s) leads the interactions, and the involvement of the audience is mainly to view the host and shared content. The attendees can watch the live event but only interact with the presenters using text-based Q&A. 

If you would like to read more about Microsoft Teams Live events and its components, you may want to start with "What are Microsoft Teams live events?

When would you prefer TLE over a regular Teams meeting?

In addition to the above, Teams live event is significantly formal and designed for a presentation as in All-Hands, Townhalls, product demos and webinars, whereas regular teams meeting is often reserved for smaller, interactive and collaborative efforts. You can have up to 250 presenters and 10000 attendees where the event organizer controls the availability of the Q&A feature for attendees while scheduling the event. The recording of the event is created by default which can be accessed along with the Q&A report and attendee engagement report. Additional functionality of transcripts, live captions, and translations add significant value to your online viewer's experience. 

Who can create, present, or attend TLE at Overlake?

All students, staff, and faculty have permission to create and present in TLE. In regards to who can attend these live events at Overlake, that entirely depends on how the event organizer has originally set up the event to be public or private. 

Read more about Who can create and attend live events: Who can create/attend live events?

Before you get started, there are many factors to consider when you are planning to set up a Live event in Microsoft Teams. Read this article to learn more detailed information about Planning your TLE.  


When you're ready to get started, please visit How do get started with Teams Live Event?

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