How To: Overlake Information and Technology Basics

You've got an idea of the what technologies we use at Overlake and you're ready to get started. You're in the right place!

Written By Jay Heath (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

This guide will walk you through the steps to get started with information and technology at Overlake. First up:

Wise: Overlake's Knowledge Base

You're already here, so good job! There are hundreds of useful articles and answers to your questions about all things Overlake - from technology to the business office and student policies. Wise, found at, should be your first stop any time your looking for an answer related to Overlake services or technology - after all, our mission is to support learning so we're always trying to teach you to fish where ever possible. If you can't find your answer, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Your Owl ID

Your Overlake username and password are referred to as your Owl ID. These credentials get you access to most Overlake services, including:

When you started at Overlake you should have received a PDF containing your Owl ID username and password (please contact if not). 

Are you on campus?

If you're on campus, before you can log in with your Owl ID, you'll need to get on the Overlake wireless network. Be sure to join Overlake, not Overlake Guest - our guest network is for visitors to Overlake campus.

Now that you're connected to the Internet, here is how you should get started using your Owl ID:

  1. Go to and log in with your Owl ID and temporary password
  2. You will be asked for "More Information" when you log in - this is required to be able to gain access to your account if you are locked out for any reason. You can choose security questions, a backup email, or a backup phone number. Using your personal cell phone for a text message is probably the easiest and most popular method.
  3. Beginning in Summer 2021, all new employees are required to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) as part of a "Duty of Care for Security and Privacy." Please contact if you do not yet have MFA enabled.
  4. Once you have completed your security information, you'll be logged into where you can access everything that Microsoft 365 has to offer.

Diving Into Microsoft 365: Teams and Outlook

At Overlake, we primarily use Microsoft Teams and Outlook to communicate and collaborate. Teams, in particular, has quickly become an indispensable tool for quick communication with colleagues, students, and teams. Learn more about getting started with Teams on your desktop and smartphone, or if you have no idea what Teams is, start with our "What is Teams?" article. What about Zoom? The school has a Zoom account for occasions when Teams does not have the needed functionality, but we strongly recommend that employees and students use Teams where ever possible to provide a more consistent and better-supported experience. If you are joining Zoom calls in the context of work you are welcome to sign up for a Zoom account attached to your Owl ID by visiting

A Note about Security

As part of our mission to "provide leadership, resources, and structures to develop multi-literate, adaptable learners” it is also critical that we continue to educate and evolve our community's approach to security and privacy. To this end, there are a number of critical pieces of our program that all employees should be aware of:

  1. Mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication: all employees are required to use multi-factor authentication (aka MFA, sometimes called two-factor authentication or 2FA) as part of their Owl ID. According to Microsoft, implementing MFA prevents 99.9% of attacks on your account, helping to keep your account and student and school data safe.
  2. Simulated Phishing Emails: because email is the most commonly used method of malicious actors gaining access to accounts, one way that we work to educate our employee community is to simulate phishing emails that are in fact sent from a trusted vendor with whom we partner. Their name is KnowBe4. You will not see their name in the emails, and they will do their best to convince you they are real emails. You should report these emails using the Phish Alert button in Outlook.

We hope you'll take a moment to review some of the content from a spring 2021 professional learning day focused on this topic, and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have - better to ask and learn than to get hacked!

Last but not least: Access Classes in Canvas

All Overlake employees have access to all Canvas classes. Employees may find it helpful to access colleagues' Canvas classes or online meetings. These can most easily be found by searching classes in the Admin --> Courses tab of Canvas. Once you've found the right course, the home page will link to the meeting link for the day.

Need more help?

We're here to help! You can get more support by visiting us at the ILT Help Desk in the Library, emailing us at, calling us at 425.602.7007, visiting Help! and Tips! in Teams, or chatting with any of us on the ILT Team.


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