Instructional Technology Competencies Checklist

A self-paced checklist for employees who teach to assess their competency in instructional technology tools.

Written By Jay Heath (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

This self-assessment ensures that you have the necessary skills to deliver blended teaching and learning experiences for students, whether teaching on campus, online, or anywhere in between. Please contact the instructional coaches or technology team if you need any support.

Interactive Version    

An interactive checklist is available (login required) where you can complete the self-assessment, request help from Technology or Teaching & Learning, and save your responses to revisit your responses in the future.

I know how to . . . 

Tech Hygiene 

Update my computer, apps, and browsers to keep them running well

Manage extensions and settings in my web browser

Use OneDrive to save and organize files 

Share and control access to a file in OneDrive 

Understand how to sync a OneDrive folder to your computer

Save files in the most appropriate location, and understand the difference between your private OneDrive files and shared Sharepoint Libraries. updated for '21

Schedule a meeting using Outlook and Teams – including using the Scheduling button or Scheduling Assistant

Set my background in a Teams meeting

Share my screen during a Teams meeting

Manage participant permissions in a Teams meeting

Manage my Canvas and Teams settings so I get the notifications I want

Mirror or duplicate my screen when projecting. updated for '21

Designing for Distance Learning

Import content into Canvas (from last year, other teachers, etc)

Create an inviting home page in Canvas, and understand where to post your meeting links on your home page.

Insert a table to organize pages, assignments, etc in Canvas

Take and share a screenshot (Mac or Windows)

Decide whether to use an event or an assignment in Canvas

Use assignment categories to organize assignments and/or weight grades in Canvas

Install and use at least one LTI (DigiExamQuizzes.Next, Turn-it-in, FlipgridEdPuzzle, Office 365, Class NotebookCK-12MathTypeChemTypeScreencast-o-matic) in Canvas

Share to and import from Commons

Operate a Poly Studio classroom camera for use in the hybrid "Overlake Combined" model.

Content Delivery

Use the rich content editor, insert links, images and videos into a page, discussion, or assignment in Canvas

Upload a file to Canvas

Create a module in Canvas

Record a short video lesson using PowerPointTeams, or Screencast-o-matic 

Auto-caption a video in Teams.

Collecting Student Work

Create an online assignment and choose the appropriate submission type in Canvas

Have students record audio/video submissions in Canvas

Create a discussion in Canvas

Assessment and Feedback

Create a quiz and survey in Canvas

Add a rubric to an assignment and use it for grading in Canvas

Provide digital feedback using Speed Grader

Teach students to find my feedback in Canvas

Utilize the basic functions of the New Canvas Gradebook including color-coding, how to hide/post grades, use the “message student who” feature 

Give audio or video feedback in SpeedGrader

Work from Home Considerations (if necessary)

I have a home office setup that is functional and comfortable. Contact if there is a piece of technology that could meaningfully improve your setup, or the business office to discuss any non-tech needs.

Ensure my home internet connection is sufficiently robust for working from home. 

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